A mysterious starfish like structure made of metal and concrete has been found at East Beach in Charlestown, Rhode Island. The object was discovered just 10KM from the shore during a low tide.
The object looked strange and dangerous. The president of East Beach association, Peter Brockmann was afraid of touching it as it could be a bomb.
All nearby places including the U.S. Navy, a company building, a nearby wind farm, and a local harbor master were contacted but no one had a clue about this strange object.
What can this Strange Metal Starfish Could be?
As of now, there is no definite answer to what this strange object is. The closest answers were given by few professors at University of Rhode Island.
The scientists told Brockmann that this object could be n acoustic doppler profiler, an instrument used by scientists (and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, among others) to measure the speed of currents in the water.
The locals said that the object was not there till last summer and is not something that can drift with water. So how did it get here? This means that the object was brought and placed at its position by someone.
The mystery of this metal starfish won’t last long as Brockmann told The Westerly Sun that the East Beach Association has hired a contractor to drag the object from the ocean in this week.
When something like this is found, usually it is related to aliens. Can this be a alien spaceship, some scientific device or just a junk metal piece? The mystery will soon be unveiled.